Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic manipulation allows the relief of pain and optimization of neurologic and musculoskeletal activity by freeing the motion of joints. Most people think of chiropractors as just manipulating the spine, which is how most humans are treated because we tend to abuse our spines more than any other part of our bodies. Chiropractic care in dogs, cats, and other species is not complete without checking toes, wrists, elbows, etc. all of which can become “jammed” in the course of running, jumping, and wrestling play. Chiropractic adjustments can resolve lameness and help slow the development of arthritis.
Your pet’s chiropractor needs to be trained in animal anatomy and physiology. Taking your pet to a chiropractor trained to work solely on humans without hands-on animal training can be dangerous due to species-specific differences in joint structure and function.
At Integrative Veterinary Care, Animal Chiropractic services are provided by Dr. Mills who received her training through the Integrative Veterinary Medical Institute. Integrative Veterinary Medical Institute